6 Ways to Turn Into a Great BJJ Training Partner

Training is the most important aspect of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. For a productive and successful training session, a good BJJ training partner is a necessity. Some forms of martial arts have become so water-downed over time, that vigorous training sessions have almost disappeared. People don’t realize this, lack of training puts the trainees in a detrimental position. They cannot test their application of techniques on counterattacking challengers or achieve combat know-how. Fortunately, in BJJ the strong training culture at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy in Zurich is still present.

You’ll meet different sorts of training partners during your BJJ journey. Some might turn out to be a key asset to your expertise development, while others might damage your abilities. So, this write-up will reflect on the ways to become a great BJJ training partner by following the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu program in Zurich. Read on…

1.       Procure the Right BJJ Gears

Start your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training session on a positive note by procuring all the essential equipment like shin guards, athletic cups, knee pads, elbow pads, and more.

Always remember that your training stuff should be in fantastic condition as these provide protection. Avoid worn-out gears that can be harmful to both your training partner and you.

Since high-quality training equipment like shin guards, knee pads, and others shield your challenger as much as they protect you, it proves to your training mates that you genuinely care about their physical safety and hygiene by having all the required gear.

2.      Interact With Your Training Partner

Make sure, you and your training partner communicate each other’s intentions before initiating their BJJ training session. Ensure you both go at the same intensity. When you identify what your partner wishes, don’t divert from the agenda during your training sessions. Don’t be extra vigorous or tough when your training partner wants to go for light training.

The standardized rule is to go light with training if you and your partner haven’t had an opportunity to exchange your intents. Don’t just assume without any concrete reason that somebody desires to have a full-on training session with you without them saying so.

3.      Winning is not the Goal

A BJJ training session isn’t a competition, so get rid of your competitive mindset. Use the training session to its fullest by trying to enhance your skillsets, communicating with your training partners and coaches, and trying to imbibe as much as possible from their experience and knowledge. These sessions also give you the opportunity to see what works for you. So, your goal during each training session should be to evolve and grow as a BJJ martial artist, and not to just win a session.

4.      Agree with Constructive Criticism

Of course, it’s always more enjoyable to hear great things about what you’re doing perfectly right. You’re not always ready to hear what you’re doing wrong which is more important. But it’s crucial to ascertain and accept honest criticism originating from the desire to observe your betterment and advancement. Don’t get irritated or discouraged by constructive criticism from trainers or training partners. They genuinely point out the actual imperfections in your game. Since they care about you, they want to see you grow.

5.      Don’t Discriminate, Spar & Train with Everyone

Don’t discriminate or pick and choose your opponents. Never be the person who only encounters new students while training. Certainly, working with inadequately skilled opponents lets you polish and sharpen your offense, but that’s not enough. Working on your defense and testing your application of techniques against more accomplished training partners is more fruitful. You might win against a greenhorn, but advanced training mates will uncover all your defects and weaknesses.

Again, you should try to train with varied kinds of individuals to get a proper understanding of diverse body types (shapes and sizes). Train with an undersized individual one day and with a tall individual the next day. Each body type has its exclusive challenges so use your training sessions to appropriately get adjusted to a wide range of body types.

6.     Prepare Adequately For Training Sessions

Training at the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym in Switzerland which typically involves sparring, drills, warm-ups, and more aspects uses up a lot of energy. So, make adequate preparation for your training sessions by feeding your body the fuel that will prepare you for high-power sessions. Eat a meal that consists of about 50% carbohydrates, 25% protein, and 25% healthy fats a few hours before training.

Consume a good amount of water before proceeding with training. This maintains the hydration level while training and averts painful cramps.


Try to enjoy every session of BJJ training at the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym near me. Just stay stress-free and relaxed during your training sessions and relish having the chance to test all your abilities against a proficient challenger.


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